You don't need to understand all the math in this section. What's important is knowing the terms (highlighted in yellow), and bolded sections at the bottom.
Every vector has a length, also known as a norm or magnitude. The length of a vector `vec bbv` is denoted `||vec bbv||`. A vector with length `1` is called a unit vector, often denoted `hat bbv`.
A collection of vectors with the same length.
Given a vector with coordinates `x`, `y` and `z`, the Pythagorean theorem tells us the vector's length is `sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2}`.
Computing the length of `vec bbv` using the Pythagorean theorem.
If we have a vector `vec bbv` that is not a unit vector, we can find a unit vector pointing in the same direction. To do this, we divide the vector by its length: `hat bbv = vec bbv / ||vec bbv||`.
A vector `vec bbv` and the unit vector pointing in the same direction, `hat bbv`.
Given two vectors `vec bba` and `vec bb b`, we can compute the projection of `vec bb b` onto `vec bba`. This is basically `vec bb b`'s "shadow" on top of `vec bba`. The projection tells us "how much" of `vec bb b` extends in the direction of `vec bba`.
The projection of a vector `vec bb b` onto another vector `vec bba`.
With trigonometry, we can deduce the projection is `||vec bb b||cos theta`, where `theta` is the angle between `vec bba` and `vec bb b`.
With trigonometry, we see that the projection of `vec bb b` onto `vec bba` is `||vec bb b||cos theta`.
Both geometrically and algebraically, we can verify the projection is just `||vec bb b||` when `vec bba` and `vec bb b` point in the same direction (`theta = 0^@` ⇒ `cos theta = 1`). The projection is zero when the two vectors are perpendicular (`theta = 90^@` ⇒ `cos theta = 0`). Finally, when `vec bba` and `vec bb b` point in "opposing" directions (`90^@ < theta < 270^@`), the projection is negative.
When two vectors `vec bba` and `vec bb b` point in the same direction, the projection of `vec bb b` onto `vec bba` is just the length of `vec bb b`. If the two vectors are perpendicular, the projection is zero. And if they point in opposing directions, the projection is negative.
From the projection, we can compute `||vec bba||||vec bb b||cos theta`, a quantity known as the dot product of `vec bba` and `vec bb b`. This quantity is denoted `vec bba * vec bb b` or `(:vec bba, vec bb b:)`. The important feature of the dot product is that it encodes the angle between two vectors.
With some algebra, we can compute `(:a, b, c:) * (:d, e, f:) = ad + be + cf`, that is we can compute the dot product of two vectors by multiply their corresponding coordinates and adding together the results.
This also implies that `||(:x, y, z:)||^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = (:x, y, z:) * (:x, y, z:)`, that is the squared length of a vector is the dot product of the vector with itself.
Some properties of the dot product useful in the sphere-ray intersection test: